The Curse Of The Thingy That Cursed Me

My name is lord booberson, if you are reading this, then I am dead, as you can tell, because I am dead, the story is automatically good, that's a life fact that all people need to know.
This is my epic tale....
There was a thingy, called a thingy, it was a spoopy thingy, it cursed me, it called me a bitch, a fuck, a damn, a hell, and a meecrob, then the almighty thingy cursed me with a curse that died me, and my grand adventure to find and kill the thingy begun
I was asking the friendly citizens of hell if they knew anything about the thingy, they killed me and took all my money, FUCK!!!
Then something happened, I got a feeling, a boner, peresay, It made me a super badass, and i could do anything i wanted, my name was gary stu, but after what happened, I made  my badass new name : LORD BOOBERSON
I killed the asses that killed me, and they went to Detroit, where they would suffer for all of there natural born lives, I soon found out that the curse of the thingy is what gave me my super expreme overkill muder death powers, so I used my mind powers to find him, so I used my fart powers to get out of hell, and found the thingy, fapping to FNAF porn "aWW sHiT wTf R u DoIN her" It said, "Time to die, you son of a thingy bitch" I saided. Then a epic battel took place, and at the end, I choped the thingies head off with my super arm.
Then I heard a retarted laugh behind me, IT WAS THE REAL THINGY, it cursed me and took all my money, FUCK!!!
I had enough, I decided to fuck up this thingy once and for all, but I didn't know how to kill this thingy, I was lost, then it cursed me to hell again, but not after it cursed me by taking all my money, FUCK!!!
When I was in hell, My dumbass realiszed I still had my powers, so I shot out of hell again, and found the thingy,
"WHAHAHAHA, SOON I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD" It said., I used my epic gary stuness to kick his ass, "YOU HAVE DEFEATED ME!"
But before I killed him, he place the ultimate curse on me.................................................he would take all the money I would ever earn in life


''Written By  ''